Vineyards & Grape Growers
Organic Gem Liquid Fish Fertilizer provides superior results for vineyards and grape growers.
In field trials across the country:
- Organic Gem significantly increased yields an average of 20%.
- Reduced the need for other treatments, resulting in overall lower costs.
- Provided better quality grapes.
- Produced higher brix (sugar and dissolved solids).
Grape Field Trial - 2000

Other Benefits
- Organic Gem gives long lasting results with improvement in plant color, growth and overall health.
- Soil qualities are improved for deeper rooting and better penetration of water and nutrients. Unproductive soil is rebuilt and replenished.
- Microbial activity is enhanced resulting in the growth of bacteria and other organisms.
Click here to see our special Power Point presentation specifically for Grape Growers & Vineyards.
Application Rates for Grapes
- Fall ground application of 10 gallons/acre.
[Assumes the soil has not been treated with Organic Gem in the past. If the soil has been treated, then a Fall ground application of 5 gallons/acre would be sufficient.]
- Spring application of 5 gallons/acre.
- Mid season application of 5 gallons/acre.
- After harvest application of 5 gallons/acre.
[Organic Gem is so effective that subsequent Fall treatments require only 5 gallons/acre.]
Select Customers
For more information, please contact us.
Phone: (508) 991-5225
Email: cindy@organicgem.com
Organic Gem
Bulk Sizes
Organic Gem Fertilizer
Bulk Sale!!!
55 Gallons
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Grape Growers &
Vineyards Presentation
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